Inspired Fitness: Book Bonus 2

Fitness tools

Bonus 1a Fitness Program

Below are three separate links to sign up for a program based on your fitness goals. 

The links will take you to a sign up sheet where you will make an account for my fitness app.

Most fitness goals can be broken down to:

  • Fat Loss

  • Strength

  • Endurance

Click the appropriate button below based on what your fitness goal is based on and get to it champ!

Bonus 1b Meal Plan

With each program, there are three sample meal plans. One for maintenance, weight loss and weight gain.


Once you create your account, you will have access to three meals plans ranging from 1900 to 2500 calories.


Need help finding out approximately how many calories you need for your goal? Click here for a calorie calculator:


Bonus 1c 30 day accountability texts

Nothing to do here! You should be or may have received the first text already. If you have any issues receiving the texts, message me at


Time to get going champ!